Friday, October 4, 2013



Put these facts together.


1. Morsi, who is also Jamie Daimon, CEO of Chase/J.P. Morgan Banks, is an aristocrate that has been in business since being ousted from France, when the aristocracy had taken over. Madam La Farge faced him with the guillotine, so he got out and took his greed to the newly formed USA. Morsi is a member of Armageddon city.

When Morsi was ousted from Egypt, this was a turning point and the people saw through this kind of leadership. Egypt is well on its way to a better life; but what remains is the billions Obama put into their military and war equipment; including 6 F-16's that are still partially owned by Boeing. We the USA, still own the pilots and mechanics that went with that package. Will Obama take to using them for war efforts? Watch this close.


2. We have also put billions into Pakistan, with no reason. Did it go to war machinery?


3. In Iraq the war is over, but the USA still has 17,000 office workers sitting there. Why office workers? For what reason I do not know. Besides this the USA has 1850 contractors, which seem to do what ever they want. Besides their function of putting Iraq back in order, they take it upon themselves to do military procedures. These seem to supersede the Iraq military. These contractors, once called Black Water were thrown out of Iraq by the Iraq government.

They then changed their name to XE, Inc., and went back into Iraq. I believe this is Al Gaeda taking a name under the US government and being paid well for it. Will they some how take over the waiting 17,000 office workers to perform world war? Watch this. What kind of a lie could fool these office workers to work for some false cause?


4. In Afganistan, we the USA have said that we will remain through 2013. Well we are in October and no one has moved yet, and IT IS TIME. Bring our people home. Why are the USA prisons in Iraq, Afganistan, Syria, Egypt kept in place. Are there people in these prisons to be removed and used in a world war at some time? Watch this too. Including Quantonimo.


5. I have said that the Ayatollah in Iran is Obama himself. With his power of IMAGE CHANGE, ABILITY TO TRAVEL BY WILL, and can be there in a moment ; he or someone else he can appoint, to put on the Ayatollahs image.

Now the newly elected President is from the USA, yet he plays like he can't speak English. But who is this new President, really? He also plays the part of the Palestinian President that wants to move into Israel and divide the land; take over half ownership of that land. Maybe this is why Prime Minister Netanahu doesn't trust him. He maybe seen his other Palestinian image. In actuality he is a communist Nazi from WWII.

So Ayatollah/Obama and the Palestinian President now playing the Iran President; with these two at the helm, you can be sure the order is to build bombs, and they have. Yet they are using this fact as a 'maybe' and creating world fear over the scene. What will Iran do with those bombs? Who might they use them on?


Netanahu did a good thing by going to speak to the PEOPLE OF IRAN and not the leadership. This is good to bring understanding of an effort of peace to the people.

But the sanctions put on the selling of oil has greatly decreased the Iran economy and the country is struggling. But who put the sanctions on? President Obama did, aka the Ayatollah. How much does he care about the Iranian people; for that matter, the USA people? What does he really want to do with the pressures on the people?

Do the Iranian people receive a dividend allotment from the government? Has this allotment been significantly cut back due to sanctions? So this lack of allotment to the people has reduced their life style and living process. But it is cut back double and the half of it going into the Ayatollahs pocket, aka Obamas pocket? So Obama has gotten his teeth in Iran oil money. Were the sanctions put on to cause a decrease in oil revenues, giving reason to be a reduction to the peoples oil dividend check; thus covering the filtering that the Ayatollah is taking more of.

Through the false reason for war in Iraq, blaming them for harboring Al Qaeda, Twin Tower demolition crew, Obama has gotten into the oil money of Iraq, when the oil revenues were divided unevenly between the Suni and Shite people to create reason for war in Iraq.

Did Peter Gailbraith, aka Karl Rove, Ambassador to Iraq at the time, have any thing to do with this?

I do not know the inner workings of Afganistan, but we have been at war there since 2000; now 13 years. Is the reason for the war the filtering of oil revenue from the Afgan people? These moneys are going to Obama, Karl Rove, Rahm Emanuel for setting it all up.


6. We have had 2 years of rebel fighting in Syria. We are told 100,000 people have been killed, and the blame seems to go to the Syrian President, Assad for all 100,000. The Al Qaeda rebels didn't kill anyone. Oh yeah?

But Syria has a mole or 2 with the ability to change their image and look like a Syrian. Who would this be? Rahm Emanuel, Karl Rove and Obama. By the work of these moles they have changed oil revenue of the Syrian people. So the Syrian people are in protest of these changes to their dividend checks. This second group are protesting the Syrian Government, but the people doing the changes to revenues are the above mentioned moles. Where are the cut back revenues going? To Karl Rove, Rahm Emanuel, and Obamas pockets. But Obama is not happy.

The rebels, Obama is fortifying with guns and ammo, are his Al Qaeda boys. What Obama really wants to do is unseat Assad; take over Syria, and really cut into the oil revenue, if not all of it.

So this is the real Syrian story. But the Al Qaeda group of rebels in Syria are loosing the war with Syria. So Obama organized a chemical weapons and put all blame on Assad. Obama very quickly lined up USA ships to fire missiles at Syria. What he really wants to do is reduce the Syrian war power, so that Al Qaeda rebels can now win the battle. Such war strategy.



Obama is also Gadafi. He played a ploy to get rid of Gadafi, 'IMAGE'; like he is removing a bad guy of the world. He immediately put himself back into the rule by Libya, El Baradei, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. It's still Gadafi; just looking different. All Obama; Gadafi; and El Baradei.

Libya is a very oil rich land and Obama has mastered most of the profits of that country too.


8 & 9.

The same thing is happening in these countries. Obama has appointed his Armageddon City people to rule here, and my God how the money rolls in.


Let us not forget the Indian Treaty that stands for all the Indian Nations of this USA. The treaty granting all the wealth of oil and minerals beneath most of the soil of this USA, that White man has violated, and just takes. Many may take claim to the pumping station, but the oil under 18 inches of top soil is theirs. One of the most violated things in this USA. On the Stock Market they hold phenominal wealth of Apache Stock. If all the oil of the world was taken to hold, the Indians could save us. Much is being taken today and making others rich. Why do they not speak up? They have. You do not listen. But what if Obama wanted to take all the oil he has confiscated thus far and hold it over your head? Who would you fight for, Obama or the Indian? Who would allow your houses to be warm this winter? Who do you see as friend or foe?

Do you know that on your real estate tax paper there is a credit coming to you from the Indian Nations, from the Gaming Industry? They give to all of mankind, and many do not even know it. Thank you is in order.

They were very smart when they put in their Treaty. They also have land rights to much real estate. They let you buy it, in a manner, but they still have ownership rights. How much land in your state is owned by the Indians?

The Indian Blood Lines shares this wealth. Maybe your have Indian blood flowing in your veins. One thirty second of an Indians blood will give you rights to the Indian Treaty wealth. What have I told you here?

The Indians are a peaceful people. We have had many troubles of the past. Some Indians went astray also, but most of the fighting was because of the White man pushing his ways on the Indian. White man never followed up on his promises.

The Indian wants to just allow people to be the way they want, but they are certainly up on the ways of the world. They bring up subtle hints of deer hunting at night to show how wrong the night wolf hunting is. They spear fish and take too many, showing the ways of the commercial fishermen and his greed sometimes. Many don't think enough and get the point they are making. They have those rights too, but don't abuse it.

Today they are fighting for their heritage and the names used through out society. They want respect in these titles and names. Maybe they would just like to be asked, acknowledged and put their approval on those names. More respect is wanted. They have a grand heritage, just as the Mexican people have a grand heritage in this land. We have to respect our founders. Every one lives different and that is their right. What we can learn from the Indian is to have more respect for the world and the waste in it. Appreciate what God has given us all. So learn from the oil holders of the world.


What other wealth is there in the world? Not the USA any more. Obama has spent it all with Bale outs, TARP, sending money to other countries, taking $250 billion from the Federal Reserve System; taking $714 billion out of Medicare; taking money out of the FDIC; and Social Security. He took a $100 million trip to Africa; putting his show on in England at the G-20 time; his perpetual campaigning on USA dollars, (just ask Kathleen Sobelius.) printing the value out of the dollar; and offering tax breaks to all of his brain washed corporate buddies.

With this DEBT, he has made destitute this country, to say nothing about the drains he has put on China, just trying to back the USA and keeping up with his spending. I'd take the keys to Air Force One.

Besides the USA and China being drained, the biggest money collector is the Vatican Bank with the wealth of the tithes of the people.

These are the past 7 POPES:
- 1. Pius XII - Rahm Emanuel
- 2. John XXIII - Obama
- 3. Paul VI - Karl Rove
- 4. Pope John Paul I - Apostle Paul
- 5. Pope John Paul II - Apostle Peter, founder of the Catholic Church.
- 6. Benedict XVI - Karl Rove
- 7. Frances - Charles Krauthammer

In 1929 the Vatican deemed themselves a country of its own. Land locked, but they stand alone. It must have been some ploy of the Popes to follow, and their connectedness to the Vatican money. I do know that the Vatican Banker of about the late 1970's was Paul Marcinkus; he was wanted by the FBI Head Robert Mueller. Isn't that ironic? They are the same person. That's staying on top of things. If the FBI is after you, get the top seat for your own protection.

So Pope John Paul I, Apostle Paul was going to blow the whistle on 5 corrupt Cardinals. By the next day he was poisoned. The same to John Paul II, who was actually the Apostle Peter returned to his church. And they knew all of this and did it all any way. Benedict/Rove then took it over again.

But how much of this money is being filtered out of the Vatican; money laundered out and worked with?


Besides raping the sports world and fixing all of the games, there is little money left for man to work with. If it wasn't for electronic fillings, money would be short all over.

So if the world goes flat, whose fault would this be, the republicans or the democrates?

Of all the cuts to be made in this critical time, they all are ones to hurt the common working man; while corporate America is getting one tax break and subsidy after another. No one looks here. This is where we should focus.

But so much damage has already been done, and it will be a long time recovering. But first we have to get to the 'CROOKS' of the problem. What would you do about the very corrupt mystery players in the world today? They must be turned out and shown for what they are.

Give a DNA test to all Senators. Check their proper credentials and find the truth. This is your start. Let's do it, NOW.

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